Care Combi deals

Find your favorite products from Keune here in a great combo deal. A shampoo and conditioner together for a competitive price. Check out the 1000ml combi deal for even more advantage.

Combi Deal Care Vital Nutrition Shampoo and Conditioner
€42,94 €36,50
Combi Deal Care Color Brillianz Shampoo and Conditioner
€42,94 €36,50
Combi Deal Care Keratin Smooth Shampoo and Conditioner
€42,94 €36,50
Combi Deal Care Silver Savior Shampoo and Conditioner
€42,94 €36,50
Combi Deal Care Absolute Volume Shampoo and Conditioner
€42,94 €36,50
Combi Voordeel Care Confident Curl Shampoo en Conditioner
€42,94 €36,50
Combi Deal Care Satin Oil Shampoo and Conditioner
€42,94 €36,50
Combi Deal Care Tinta Color Shampoo and Conditioner
€42,94 €36,50
Sensitive Bundle
€73,85 €62,77
Blonde Bundle
€79,85 €67,87
Repair Bundle
€61,76 €52,50
Vibrant Color Treatment Bundel
€61,76 €52,50
Anti-Frizz Treatment Bundel
€76,47 €65,00
Luminous Hydration Boost Bundel
€70,52 €59,94
Strength Reviver Treatment Bundel
€70,52 €59,94
Keune Scalp Revival Therapy Treatment Bundel
€70,52 €59,94
Protect Bundel
Blonde Brilliance Treatment Bundel
€70,52 €59,94

Care Combi deals

Do you want to improve the health of your hair and scalp? Then the products from the Keune Care line are really something for you.

The Keune Care line contains 5 essential minerals that work together to nourish and care for the hair and scalp.

The 5 essential minerals are:

*Zinc is an antioxidant that stimulates the development of new cells.

*Buyer promotes hair growth.

*Silicon ensures the formation of collagen and connective tissue that make up the hair.

*Iron is essential for protein composition and acts as a carrier of oxygen throughout the body, energizing the scalp (and making hair shiny!)

*Magnesium supports energy production and ensures a healthy mineral balance

Questions or need advice?

Do you have questions or would you like advice about a product? Email and an experienced CFH hairstylist will help you further.

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Nice website!


Ik had een foutje gemaakt met mijn bestelling en per ongeluk de verkeerde shampoo besteld. Met 1 mailtje hebben ze dit direct opgelost en hebben ze alsnog de producten geleverd die ik eigenlijk nodig had. Top service!

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