How nice is it to get a compliment on how good you smell? This undoubtedly makes you feel good. Fragrance can actually be seen as the invisible complement to your personal style. A perfume is an essential for the modern man! We bring you the new Eau de Toilette from 1922 by JM Keune.

The scent of our men's product line, 1922 by J.M. Keune, is one you won't soon forget. We especially enjoy caring for your hair with this line because the products smell so incredibly good. Actually, an Eau de Toilette with this fragrance could not be left out.

Eau de Toilette of 1922 by JM Keune

The price of the Eau de Toilette is € 47.95, but you benefit from 15% discount in our salons or in the webshop. The bottle is no less than 100 ml, so you can enjoy it for a very long time. The fragrance is a "Woody Oriental," meaning it has a strong woody tone because it is enriched with sandalwood and cedar.

Curious about how the fragrance smells? Feel free to come and smell it in one of our salons.


How to wear an Eau de Toilette properly?

It is important to dose the Eau de Toilette properly. If you wear too much, your presence will dominate, if you wear too little no one will notice that you are wearing a fragrance. Follow the tips below to fully enjoy the wonderful fragrance.

*As with many other things, the same goes for a fragrance: Less is more! When in doubt, go for less because      that is always a safe choice.
*Spray the Eau de Toilette on your dry skin from about 10 centimeters away.
*The heat of your body affects the release of fragrance notes throughout the day. You therefore spray on the     warmest areas of your body, which are the chest, neck and inner elbow and wrists.
*Use 1 to 2 sprays for a subtle dose and use 2 to 4 sprays for a heavy dose.
*Do not rub the fragrance in, but let it evaporate.

Curious about the fragrance? Discover the Eau de Toilette by 1922 by J.M. Keune in one of our salons.

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